
We advice the ICOMOS Bureau and Executive Committee on a wide variety of legal matters as well as input on revision of the ICOMOS statutes


We analyse the international and domestic statutes, conventions, regulations


Our committee members participate & associate for cooperation related to the mandate and work programs


Seminars, conferences and meetings

Conferences & Meetings held so far

  1. Legal forms of heritage protection (Weimar 1997).
  2. Examining an aspect of public participation in the planning process and registration (Toledo, Spain in 1999).
  3. The economic impact on financing conservation and restoration (Croatia 2000).
  4. Legal methods to promote urban conservation, urban (Israel, 2001).
  5. Listing cultural properties (U.S., 2002).
  6. Cultural Heritage and Decentralization (France, 2003).
  7. Exempt from tax and VAT - Heritage conservation funding problems (Bulgaria, 2004).
  8. Protection of Antiques and Antiquities (Belgium 2005)
  9. Buffer Zone (Japan 2006).
  10. The role of the advisory bodies in the preservation of historic monuments; The relationship between administrative and advisory bodies. (Romania 2007).
  11. Building Heritage criteria (Finland 2008).
  12. Public and individual participation in planning, building and listing procedures (Colombia, 2009).
  13. Legal protection of international heritage sites (Poland 2010).
  14. Defending the Military Heritage; Legal, Financial and Administrative Issues (Sweden 2011).
  15. Various aspects of Mexican legislation (Mexico 2012).
  16. The Role of Non-Government Organizations in Heritage (Israel,2014).
  17. Legal and administrative framework for protection of heritage (India,2015).
  18. Historical perspective of Heritage Legislation (Tallinn, Estonia, 12-13 Oct 2016).
  19. The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (Amersfoort, Netherlands, 29th June – 1st July 2017).
  20. Comparative Perspectives – Contemporary Issues on Law, Religion, Heritage and Conservation (Jeju, Korea, 16 - 20 Oct 2018)
  21. Defining the Role of Local Authorities in Managing and Propagating Cultural Heritage (Gaziantep, Turkey, 22 - 24 Oct 2019)
  22. Cultural heritage and intellectual property (Gliwice, Poland, 24-28 Nov 2020) Online conference: 20-21 Jan 2021
  23. The Right to Heritage as a catalyst for Sustainable Development (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10-11 Sept 2021) Hybrid conference
  24. The Efficacy Of Public And Private Partnerships (PPP) In Heritage Conservation (İzmir / Turkey, 16-18 October 2022) Hybrid conference

ICLAFI Symposium and Annual Meeting 2024

Updates will be posted soon